I've been in bed most of the past week or so. Being sick away from home isn't exactly my favorite thing, but it's been alright. It gave me some alone time. I did roll out of bed to film in a factory last Friday for part of the "No Apologies" video. I coughed up some nice phlegm in between takes. Two more days of shooting and we should be in editing mode. It's coming out great. I'm excited to get it done. And I finished the lyrics for a song called "Better Off In The End" which I think will be the last song on the cd. The opening verse goes:
When I look back, the day I die
I don't want to swim in regrets
Abandonded dreams and blaming scenes
Stuck wishing I could forget
I had this picture in my mind of how sad that would be to be sitting on a porch when that time comes, like it will for all of us, looking back on my life, wanting to forget it. And the way to avoid that situation is by changing the choices I'm making now.
Florida is an interesting place. I did find this beautiful spot near where I'm staying nestled amongst the complex web of strip malls that makes up Ft. Myers. Looks like I'll be here another 2 weeks or so on this round. I tend to be a bit of a wanderer and staying in one place too long makes me antsy. It'll feel good to have some new scenery.