I actually shot this video a couple weeks ago on my way home from vacation. Finally had the chance to edit it together.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Yesterday was quite the day. It ranged from attending a pre-school production of the "3 Little Pigs Opera" to our new friend Rosie at the laundromat (back to her in a minute), to planning a trip to New York, to setting a date for a pre-album release party here in Florida. The days are so full right now that when I sit to write these blogs, I get immediately overwhelmed with how much I want to talk about.
As our plans for releasing this album continue, I'm getting progressively more excited. Not only are our ideas themselves expanding, so is the circle of people involved. It's amazing how much the right people can bring to something. This is going to be a lot more than a cd release, and there's a lot to do, but it's all beginning to take shape.
Back to Rosie.....I still had clothes dirty from my trip to Big Sur. It was time. We all know when that time is. Sometimes we wait just a little longer, until we're wearing pants with no underwear because it's all dirty, flip flops instead of shoes even if it's 40ยบ outside because we're out of socks, and we've got that "I Dream of Jeanie" shirt on from high school that doesn't really fit anymore with a couple of old coffee stains we couldn't get out because that's all that's left in the dresser.
That was me yesterday. And Jack. So we went. Picked a laudromat at random that was close by. We walk in, and there's a girl who works there. She seems nice. Asks if we need help. She's right there when the coins don't work and uses a key to start our wash. She's smiling. Having a good time. She's sad to hear that Guiding Light is going off the air. She's worked in this laundromat for years. She walks around like she owns the place (maybe she does. I didn't ask). She lights up the place. Nice to talk to, or she leaves you alone if that's what you want. It was hands down the most pleasant laundromat experience of my life. Not sure exactly why I'm talking about it. I think what struck me was how one person's energy and approach to life can transform a place like a laundromat and an experience as mundane as doing my laundry.
She was reluctant at first when I asked for this picture. But I told her that I was visiting town and wanted to remember her because she was so great.
I do my best to be like Rosie wherever I go. I loved being around someone who was able to do it in a place like that so naturally.
Thanks Rosie!
As our plans for releasing this album continue, I'm getting progressively more excited. Not only are our ideas themselves expanding, so is the circle of people involved. It's amazing how much the right people can bring to something. This is going to be a lot more than a cd release, and there's a lot to do, but it's all beginning to take shape.
Back to Rosie.....I still had clothes dirty from my trip to Big Sur. It was time. We all know when that time is. Sometimes we wait just a little longer, until we're wearing pants with no underwear because it's all dirty, flip flops instead of shoes even if it's 40ยบ outside because we're out of socks, and we've got that "I Dream of Jeanie" shirt on from high school that doesn't really fit anymore with a couple of old coffee stains we couldn't get out because that's all that's left in the dresser.
That was me yesterday. And Jack. So we went. Picked a laudromat at random that was close by. We walk in, and there's a girl who works there. She seems nice. Asks if we need help. She's right there when the coins don't work and uses a key to start our wash. She's smiling. Having a good time. She's sad to hear that Guiding Light is going off the air. She's worked in this laundromat for years. She walks around like she owns the place (maybe she does. I didn't ask). She lights up the place. Nice to talk to, or she leaves you alone if that's what you want. It was hands down the most pleasant laundromat experience of my life. Not sure exactly why I'm talking about it. I think what struck me was how one person's energy and approach to life can transform a place like a laundromat and an experience as mundane as doing my laundry.
She was reluctant at first when I asked for this picture. But I told her that I was visiting town and wanted to remember her because she was so great.
I do my best to be like Rosie wherever I go. I loved being around someone who was able to do it in a place like that so naturally.
Thanks Rosie!

Friday, May 15, 2009
MICRO FORCE - EPISODE 1 - The Pursuit of the Perfect Shave
I don't watch much TV. I just don't have the time. Between work, the phone, email and the endless list of things to do, I tend to wind up tired at night before I get to it. When I do, it's usually some random cocktail of late night shows that can include any one or all of Conan O'Brien, David Letterman, Craig Ferguson, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.
Before I left LA, I did get into a stretch where I was watching for at least a few minutes before I went to sleep. Usually because I was so tired from packing and moving that my body was tired before my mind.
In between all the Girls Gone Wild and Extenze commercials, there was one for the Micrco Force razor. I must have seen that commercial 20 times in a 2 week period. I never buy things like that...."CALL NOW!"....sitting on my bed, credit card and phone in hand. But it stuck with me. Every time I saw it, I was reminded that I need a new razor. And something that small would be good for all the traveling I'm doing right now.
I resisted. I told myself that those commercials are usually selling crap. It's a scam. It's a waste of my money....even with the really cool looking bonus grooming kit.
Today I'm sitting here, NOT watching TV and it occurs to me that I still want that razor. So I hop on the internet, go to the website (of course I remember the name), and check it out. After a minute of looking to make sure it's the right one, I decide to go for it. I'm excited.
I'm then led through a succession of screens all suggesting various improvements to my purchase, including the "forever sharp" blades with the fancy carrying case, the "forever sharp" blades without the fancy case, the ear and nose clippers, priority shipping, etc. I survive the upsell.
I laugh. The whole process is very entertaining. And now I'm filled with anticipation. Will it be total crap? Entirely possible. It's like a little show. I've paid this amount for movies and cds that provided less entertainment than this process has. So I'm going to look at it as that. Entertainment. If it can shave my face without leaving a coat of hair or shredding my cheeks, I'll consider it a bonus.
Before I left LA, I did get into a stretch where I was watching for at least a few minutes before I went to sleep. Usually because I was so tired from packing and moving that my body was tired before my mind.
In between all the Girls Gone Wild and Extenze commercials, there was one for the Micrco Force razor. I must have seen that commercial 20 times in a 2 week period. I never buy things like that...."CALL NOW!"....sitting on my bed, credit card and phone in hand. But it stuck with me. Every time I saw it, I was reminded that I need a new razor. And something that small would be good for all the traveling I'm doing right now.
I resisted. I told myself that those commercials are usually selling crap. It's a scam. It's a waste of my money....even with the really cool looking bonus grooming kit.
Today I'm sitting here, NOT watching TV and it occurs to me that I still want that razor. So I hop on the internet, go to the website (of course I remember the name), and check it out. After a minute of looking to make sure it's the right one, I decide to go for it. I'm excited.
I'm then led through a succession of screens all suggesting various improvements to my purchase, including the "forever sharp" blades with the fancy carrying case, the "forever sharp" blades without the fancy case, the ear and nose clippers, priority shipping, etc. I survive the upsell.
I laugh. The whole process is very entertaining. And now I'm filled with anticipation. Will it be total crap? Entirely possible. It's like a little show. I've paid this amount for movies and cds that provided less entertainment than this process has. So I'm going to look at it as that. Entertainment. If it can shave my face without leaving a coat of hair or shredding my cheeks, I'll consider it a bonus.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Today was one of those magical days. I had a game changing meeting this morning about an idea I have. This whole week has been incredible though. It felt like every step of the way was just laid out and all I had to do was keep up...which was actually hard to do at some points. My life has gone from 40mph to 80mph in a few short days. And we're picking up speed.
My car is safely tucked away. My apartment has been given back to those who rented it to me. I'm sitting here staring at the couple of items that will accompany me for the next few months. I feel good. Life feels natural. And as much as I'll miss a lot of friends and family here, I know it's time to go.
Florida tomorrow.
My car is safely tucked away. My apartment has been given back to those who rented it to me. I'm sitting here staring at the couple of items that will accompany me for the next few months. I feel good. Life feels natural. And as much as I'll miss a lot of friends and family here, I know it's time to go.
Florida tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I'm staying at my friend's place for a few days in Venice. He's been living with his girlfriend and isn't using it much. One simple room. A bathroom. No kitchen. And I love it! I forgot how much I liked living in the heart of Venice this close to the water. Walking this stretch of beach in the morning.
I've got this great sense lately of being totally conscious of the people around me. Souls walking around, doing their own thing. And I'm just one of them. Connecting, disconnecting...it's a little hard to explain but really comforting somehow.
Another day today of ironing out logistics, tying up loose ends, and seeing friends. But right now all that seems to matter is this beautiful morning, those waves, this coffee, and some hunger pangs that need tending to.
I've got this great sense lately of being totally conscious of the people around me. Souls walking around, doing their own thing. And I'm just one of them. Connecting, disconnecting...it's a little hard to explain but really comforting somehow.
Another day today of ironing out logistics, tying up loose ends, and seeing friends. But right now all that seems to matter is this beautiful morning, those waves, this coffee, and some hunger pangs that need tending to.
Friday, May 1, 2009
6 days of moving. Movers. Taking things to friends. Donating to charity. What's the thing that got lost in the transition? BOTH of my camera batteries. Yes, I have 2. Because I'm as ridiculous as I am meticulous. It's true, they're almost identical, but I like having them both. One is a little easier to carry, and one is better to grow into.
So now I'm in Big Sur and have limited camera power juice. I wonder what else got lost...I can't seem to find my headphones either.
A calmness kind of came over me sometime after Santa Barbara on the way up. I don't know. Feels good though. My body hurts in places I didn't know I had places. And I'm free. Had this crazy dream about a silvery beautiful alien. All the patio furniture was spinning. That's a bit how it feels right now. Taking my life out of the inertia that was propelling me forward and placing myself on a new track. Although I suppose that's not entirely true. This has been coming for awhile. Nice to finally have the time to be now and not some unwieldy, untouchable future I can't grasp.
My album is finished, and we'll have them in hand in a few weeks. I saw the artwork proof today and it looks great. I'm excited. A lot of adventures coming up. Florida for a bit first to set things up, and then back to europe.
More and more synchronicities around all of this every day. I have to say, my life feels pretty remarkable right now.
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