Tuesday, December 8, 2009


After over 6 months of travel, hotels, couches, extra rooms and floors, I got to say something today that I haven't said since April..."I'm home." I left the city to be closer to nature for awhile and create. I've been working the whole time since I've been moving around and I'm tired. It's been an incredible ride and this new chapter feels good.

I'm in the mountains and it's snowing here right now. For an LA boy like me, this is quite an event.

I spent my 2 months in Los Angeles in meetings and developing an idea I have. Now I'm here in this new place to create new art. New music. I'm excited about what's next for me. My "No Apologies" cd will be released in January and I'm excited about it.

This is something I've always wanted to do. Make a space to simply be with myself with minimal distractions and see what comes up. One more time in my life I'm stepping out of my box. Out of my comfort zone to see how the weather is...and it's a beautiful day.