The Spanish countryside is rolling by and in my headphones, the current selection is what has become my favorite European soundtrack. This cd was a gift from my friend Kevin, which has turned out to be one of those gifts that keeps on giving. Max Richter, The Blue Notebooks. It's instrumental and amazing. A couple of the tracks give me the chills every time.
It's so beautiful here. My life and viewpoints have changed so much since my first trip to Europe. And now it's like a chest that's opened and inertia has taken over. All of my dreams and desires seem further away. Not because I'm any further away. I'm not escaping. Just getting a better perspective.
The creative ideas continue. But from what I can tell so far, this trip seems to be about becoming new. Being in places that I feel comfortable and at home. Basically changing the kind of gas I'm putting in my tank. I feel present and powerful. By getting quiet and letting life come to me, I find that I'm learning new things. Some motivations no longer seem worth my time or energy.
So where does that leave me?
I guess on the train to Dali's house...feeling delicious and strangely good!
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