Wednesday, October 8, 2008

va·ca·tion [vey-key-shuhn, vuh-] –noun
1. a period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, or travel; recess or holiday: Schoolchildren are on vacation now.
2. a part of the year, regularly set aside, when normal activities of law courts, legislatures, etc., are suspended.
3. freedom or release from duty, business, or activity.
4. an act or instance of vacating.
–verb (used without object)
5. to take or have a vacation: to vacation in the Caribbean.

What a concept. When I get quiet it usually means I'm working day and night. And that certainly is a valid description of my last couple of months. The good news is my album, video and tv show are all coming out great. New doors are opening. Down side....I'm fried. Time for a break. Nonstop work with no balance makes Robbie a dull I'm off on adventure for the next few weeks to fill the well. I'm sure I'll have some good stories to share when I return. HAPPY OCTOBER!