Monday, May 23, 2011


I was sitting on my couch last night, taking a few minutes before going to drawing class (I'm taking a night drawing class. It's been awesome). 
Outside I heard bells. That song! I actually had to listen hard at first because I couldn't believe it. Is that what I think it is?
"An ice cream truck!"
That big familiar white truck. Driving up the street. And the memories rolled in. We used to have one that came up our block in Granada Hills when I was a kid. I'd hear that same sound and wonder if I had enough time to run home, get some change and catch the guy. Sometime a few other kids would pull him over and buy me some time. 
I woundn't always make it. And sometimes my mother wouldn't let me get anything. 
Last night there were no kids. Just a lonely truck driving up the street. I felt sad. I should've run out to buy something from him but it was time to leave for class. And so it goes.
Ice cream men are a thing of the past. I started wondering, does he have a family? I hope he still sells enough to feed them. It's probably his second or third job. In my opinion, an ice cream man should make a good living. He brings joy. There are a lot of trades that no longer earn much money, but should in my opinion. 
I suppose there are also new things and professions coming up. That's the way it works. It's just change. Simple and real. Everything changes. Growing up is a trip. Literally. If he comes our way again, I'll be ready. I wonder if he still sells the Rocket Pops. Although my personal favorite was always the classic ice cream sandwich. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Miss Ellie and I went to the LA Times Festival of Books yesterday. I had never heard of it, but evidently it's been a big event here in LA for years. We got lucky on parking and sailed right in. First order of business was lunch. Wahoo's fish tacos in the food court. Then, the Ben & Jerry's truck was giving away free new flavors to promote a collaboration with Target. Couldn't pass that up. So the first 2 hours of our high brow literary experience was spent on yummies. Who could blame us? We were hungry.
Bellies satisfied, we finally perused the grounds. What a great place. I was pleased to see so many people at an event put on by a newspaper. We signed up for the Sunday LA Times recently. It's fun getting the paper. Soon to be a thing of the past. 
I grabbed a bunch of museum pamphlets as I'm always interested in what they're showing, and I want to start bringing my art+music shows to museums. We also saw all kinds of publishers, book stores, and independent authors with booths. The woman in line behind us at Wahoo's said that there are more "readers" in Los Angeles than any other city in the US. Is that possible???? 
We also attended a lecture by 4 writers talking about the changing music business. "Music: A Business In Flux" or something like that. I usually attend lectures by "regular industry types" and not authors. This was interesting. Different perspective. They went back and forth about how there is no money in making music anymore and therefore the art form is basically going to crap.  
One interesting thing I was left with that came up at the end....Back in the 60's, if you wanted to change the world, you might record an album. These days, if you want to change the world, you'd probably create an App. Facebook is the perfect example. Music is no longer as tied to social change and awareness as it used to be. We digest it like a snack. Yum! Rebecca Black wasn't all that different than my free "Voluntiramisu" from Ben & Jerry's today.
I sat on a curb while we laughed, cracked a few jokes and enjoyed the cool, creamy coffee flavor for the 5 minutes I was eating it. Then promptly discarded it into the trash can before continuing my day with a vague memory of enjoying something I ate.