Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Last week was my birthday. I love my birthday. I don't always make a big deal or event out of it, but I always make sure to take at least part of the day to myself. It's good for reflection. Where am I? Where was I last year? Am I headed in a good direction? It's my own little personal holiday. 
In 2009 I was in Europe and had one of the most profound experiences of my life. Last year I was in Nevada City and went for a beautiful dinner. This year it was off to the desert and I took most of the day off. 
Through a bizarre set of circumstances, the possibility of cold hamburgers in the parking lot for my birthday dinner due to a massive power outage, turned into a fabulous dinner in a beautiful restaurant paid for by the hotel.
I'm a lucky guy. I forget that sometimes. 
And Facebook. Some people say that Facebook friends aren't real friends. And I agree in some respects. But I have to balance that by saying that I've had some pretty great conversations with people half way across the world. And Facebook Birthdays. All those messages. All day. It just feels good. A lot of people thought enough of me to take a second when they saw it was my birthday and post. Good stuff. Thank you for all the calls and posts :) 

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