Friday, July 4, 2008

The 4th of July. An American classic. I like holidays. I was trained to like holidays. I didn't have to go to school. I got the day off. My friends all wanted to hang out. Holidays bum some people out. I think they're great. I don't like to get overly upset about the raping of each of their meaning. It's true. The meaning is pretty much gone. It's about fireworks and bbq's for most people now. But if it's just an excuse for people to relax and be together, I think there's still something good about that.

I took the day off, but couldn't bring myself to accept any of the invitations to the bbq's, etc. Lovely invites from beautiful minds, but I just didn't have it in me. Guess I'm tired from the album mixing and felt like keeping the day to myself. Sometimes that's the best thing we can do. I took a holiday from the holiday. Wound up going to see Hancock. I love movies alone. Today I thought I'd be the only one in there by myself, but I was wrong. I walked in 5 minutes before the movie's the 4th, mind you....huge movie...and there's like 25 people in there, half sitting alone. I suddenly realized I wasn't alone at all. I had found my people. My brethren for the day! I love my life.

I'm also one of the fortunate souls to be living in a place where they light the city fireworks from our backyard. They literally pull the barge up in the water next to my building and light'em off. People come from all over. We get rained on by the ashes and our necks get sore from looking straight up. I'm still trying to get ash out of my left eye.

I usually like to name each of the fireworks as they're being shot off. "The Dangling Sperm", "Poppies From Mars", or "Shannonball".....but being that I was unaccompanied, and had no obligation to have a conversation, or even share my oohs and aaahhs, I decided to enhance the experience with my favorite Michael Nyman selections from the Gattaca soundtrack. If you ever find yourself with the opportunity to listen to that album during a fireworks show, I highly recommend it. And if you can time it to be listening to "The Arrival" during the finale, it just might bring a tear to your eye.

And if you live in London and think this holiday is ridiculous, I agree. It's totally ridiculous. I would suggest lighting some fireworks for no particular reason, however, and listen to that album. It'll still be spectacular. Guaranteed. Hope you had a great one.

Happy Holidays!

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