Friday, May 15, 2009

MICRO FORCE - EPISODE 1 - The Pursuit of the Perfect Shave

I don't watch much TV. I just don't have the time. Between work, the phone, email and the endless list of things to do, I tend to wind up tired at night before I get to it. When I do, it's usually some random cocktail of late night shows that can include any one or all of Conan O'Brien, David Letterman, Craig Ferguson, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

Before I left LA, I did get into a stretch where I was watching for at least a few minutes before I went to sleep. Usually because I was so tired from packing and moving that my body was tired before my mind.

In between all the Girls Gone Wild and Extenze commercials, there was one for the Micrco Force razor. I must have seen that commercial 20 times in a 2 week period. I never buy things like that...."CALL NOW!"....sitting on my bed, credit card and phone in hand. But it stuck with me. Every time I saw it, I was reminded that I need a new razor. And something that small would be good for all the traveling I'm doing right now.

I resisted. I told myself that those commercials are usually selling crap. It's a scam. It's a waste of my money....even with the really cool looking bonus grooming kit.

Today I'm sitting here, NOT watching TV and it occurs to me that I still want that razor. So I hop on the internet, go to the website (of course I remember the name), and check it out. After a minute of looking to make sure it's the right one, I decide to go for it. I'm excited.

I'm then led through a succession of screens all suggesting various improvements to my purchase, including the "forever sharp" blades with the fancy carrying case, the "forever sharp" blades without the fancy case, the ear and nose clippers, priority shipping, etc. I survive the upsell.

I laugh. The whole process is very entertaining. And now I'm filled with anticipation. Will it be total crap? Entirely possible. It's like a little show. I've paid this amount for movies and cds that provided less entertainment than this process has. So I'm going to look at it as that. Entertainment. If it can shave my face without leaving a coat of hair or shredding my cheeks, I'll consider it a bonus.


Shelia said...

I've seen the commercials and thought about buying one for my dad, so you'll have to let me know how it works out.

Robert Grad said...'s a decent shaver. but doesn't replace the one i have. if i have more than 3 days growth, which happens all the time, it can't cut through.

and it feels like it's going to fall apart any minute. but used after my current's a nice dessert. makes my face smooth.

mildly disappointing, but the experience has been well worth it, even if it winds up in the dumpster when i pack for europe.