Friday, May 1, 2009


Wow. What a day. All that moving crazy stuff. Then a 5 1/2 hour drive. Now I'm in Big Sur and have no real home. Just me. All my belongings are in storage except for a couple bags, and 1 acoustic guitar that will accompany me in my coming travels.

6 days of moving. Movers. Taking things to friends. Donating to charity. What's the thing that got lost in the transition? BOTH of my camera batteries. Yes, I have 2. Because I'm as ridiculous as I am meticulous. It's true, they're almost identical, but I like having them both. One is a little easier to carry, and one is better to grow into.

So now I'm in Big Sur and have limited camera power juice. I wonder what else got lost...I can't seem to find my headphones either.

A calmness kind of came over me sometime after Santa Barbara on the way up. I don't know. Feels good though. My body hurts in places I didn't know I had places. And I'm free. Had this crazy dream about a silvery beautiful alien. All the patio furniture was spinning. That's a bit how it feels right now. Taking my life out of the inertia that was propelling me forward and placing myself on a new track. Although I suppose that's not entirely true. This has been coming for awhile. Nice to finally have the time to be now and not some unwieldy, untouchable future I can't grasp.

My album is finished, and we'll have them in hand in a few weeks. I saw the artwork proof today and it looks great. I'm excited. A lot of adventures coming up. Florida for a bit first to set things up, and then back to europe.

More and more synchronicities around all of this every day. I have to say, my life feels pretty remarkable right now.


Stu said...

Cannot. Wait. For. Album. :o

Dyana Valentine said...

So happy the album is done! I'm with Stu and am on the edge of my seat. Enjoy the new adventures! My highest vibe is with you. Oh, and I know that alien! Dy